Wednesday, September 14, 2016

daily routine -- day 5: 10 day freedom plan blog challenge

daily routine
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 5

To make money as a storyteller, I think about several things each day: current projects, finding and scheduling new projects, and the art of storytelling itself.

current projects
I always have several projects coming up. These can be classroom visits, or storytelling meetings, or open mics or whatever. Whenever I get an opportunity to tell stories, I need to make sure the stories are high quality and carefully chosen for the particular audience. I need to be challenging myself, as well, so I'm not always repeating stale material.

finding projects
At first, not all will pay or pay well. That will come. Daily, I just need to focus on meeting people and finding those who would like or could use a storyteller. It's pretty simple. I like the goal of meeting 5 new people a day. I'm terrible at it, but I like the idea. Part of this is focusing on my calendar and planning events around trips so I don't get stuck driving three states overnight.

art of storytelling
I also create material. I am an artist, so I produce story videos all the time. This gives me easy marketing and repertoire showcase tools that are ready to show off anytime. To create all these stories, I love reading and wandering through topics and stories to inspire and enhance my own stories.

how and where
Each day, I review all the above and pick three big tasks to work on. I love libraries, but all this work happens anywhere there is decent internet. If I am headed somewhere with poor internet, I plan ahead tasks that won't require connection. After I finish the big three, the rest of my day is mine to play and get physically healthy again!

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