Monday, September 12, 2016

perfect day -- day 3: 10 day freedom plan blog challenge

perfect day
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 3

I'm warm and relaxed, though the air is chilly. The birds have slowly turned up their volume over hours and hours. A breeze blows over my face, either through a window or outside. The air smells like nothing and like the entire world. The sky is just lightening up with reds as the sun hasn't quite peeked over the mountains yet. I lay there letting the dreams sort themselves out and watching in fascination as ideas spring up and mingle and dance themselves into perfect little stories.

Eventually I get up and wander over to a place where friendly faces greet me for breakfast. I eat slowly and read and write. Sometimes people will have time to share a moment or swap a story. I mentally wander through my day and try to imagine how it will all go. Then I drive. The mountains roll like super-slow-motion ocean waves past my car. The sage brush and dust and occasional dairy flavor the air as I drive. I stop often and walk whatever trail or path catches my fancy.

This day, I'm due to share stories with a class my friend teaches about five hours away.  I get to the school and sign myself in. I walk the empty halls to the classroom and share my stories for the day. The kids share and create along with me and we all laugh and create realities together.

I eat and drive again. I find a favorite spot along a river and park. I snuggle into my blanket and watch the sun set. The roaring river drowns out most other sounds and I disappear. Eventually I'll feel that same chilly breeze blow over my face as the birds and world and I awake again.

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