Friday, October 20, 2023

catching up 2020-2023

A year after the walking post, in October 2021, I did another Vaudeville show, this time a skit with friends trying to sell me new arms and a couple friends whose arms I tried on. While I ended up with my own arms, they still tried to charge me $70M! haha!

The real fun for this wandering blog was meeting another act that year.. David and Sunny.. who did a swing dance demonstration. In the long backstage moments, we became friends and I found out they hosted a swing dance every Tuesday night.

I finally went to the dance a few weeks later and realized I couldn't stand up to dance longer than half a song, and I'd then have to rest for another song or two. For a couple summers, I had been swimming for a good half mile 3-4 times a week, so I knew there was some endurance left in me. I ended up trying a stool, one of those little round top stools on rollers like you see in doctor's offices. It helped.

One day, I was late getting to a movie at the mall and I had the stool with me. I couldn't find parking close to the theater and ended up rolling through the mall on the stool. I feel so free! I had slowly, over the years, stopped going to places and getting out and about. I started working on building up the stool so I could take it everywhere. I had already found some roller blade style wheels for it and I got a bigger diameter so I could get over sidewalk bumps and cracks a little easier.

That's how things stayed for another year. Then, in May 2023, I moved to Wyoming. The stool makes me famous! haha! I tell people who seem interested that I invented it for swing dance.. One lady at Walmart even did a couple spins with me. I haven't found an actual dance to attend here in Riverton or nearby in Lander, though.

Now, here it is at the end of October 2023 and winter is fast approaching. It isn't always snowy so I could get away with some outdoor activity if I count cold but dry days. I don't really get out much, though, anyway, and I'm thinking about why not. I'm building a page in the blog here with details for something to help me walk far again.. actually something that will get me moving while I work on walking further and further without such a device?

First, I just had to catch up any of you who find this later.. haha!